Investigation number
Occurrence date
Melbourne, Airport
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence type
Control issues
Occurrence category
Highest injury level

An inspection of the aircraft by maintenance engineers on
arrival in Brisbane did not find any fault with the main or standby
rudder power control unit (PCU). The B737 PCU is a hydraulic
mechanism that moves the rudder in response to inputs from either
the pilot or the yaw damper. The aircraft operator has not reported
any further rudder occurrences with the aircraft.

The aerodrome terminal information service that was valid at the
time of the takeoff indicated that the surface wind was 190 degrees
magnetic at 12 to 15 kts. Wind data that was recorded at the
airport at the approximate time of the event indicated a varying,
but generally south-south-easterly wind at a speed of 4 to 10 kts.
The crew reported that another passenger aircraft had landed on the
crossing runway prior to their departure.

The airport operator's inspection report included morning and
midday inspections of the airport runway surfaces. The morning
inspection was at 0727 and the midday inspection was carried out at
1450. Neither inspection identified any problems with the runway 27

The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) information was recovered for
examination by the ATSB. The examination revealed that a right
lateral acceleration, with a peak of approximately 0.17g had
occurred at 125 kts, (refer Figure 1).

Chart showing the increase in computed air speed and right lateral acceleration

The ATSB referred the FDR information to the aircraft
manufacturer for review.

The manufacturer reported that the recorded rudder and yaw
damper inputs were in response to the acceleration, and did not
initiate it. The recorded rudder data indicated that all rudder
movements were commanded by the crew and/or the yaw damper. The PIC
reported that he felt the rudder pedal move under his feet. The FDR
recorded a 5 kt headwind increase during the take-off roll that may
have been the result of an increasing crosswind.

The manufacturer conducted additional analysis with a flight
simulator, to better understand the rudder pedal movements, lateral
acceleration and heading data recorded during the occurrence. The
simulation results indicated that a 7 kt right quartering headwind
gust, followed by a 13 kt left quartering gust, would be needed to
match the FDR lateral acceleration data.

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Melbourne, Vic
Departure time
1406 EsuT
Brisbane, Qld