Investigation number
Occurrence date
Sydney, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence type
Loss of separation
Occurrence category
Highest injury level

Local safety action

Airservices Australia safety action

In the January issue of one of its newsletter to controllers,
Airservices reminded controllers of the factors that contribute to
runway incursions. Those factors included inadequate supervision of
the manoeuvring areas of the airport, lack of adequate coordination
between controllers in the tower, ambiguous clearances and
instructions issued by controllers, incorrect read-back of
clearances and instructions by pilots and vehicle drivers, and
controllers not detecting the errors in those read-backs.

Airservices is investigating the International Civil Aviation
Organization's concept of the Advanced Surface Movement Guidance
and Control System for Sydney and other Australian airports. The
concept includes consideration of improved surface movement radar,
improved Aerodrome Mandatory Instruction Signs and Aerodrome
Information Signs and the installation of stop-bar lighting. Stop
bar lighting consists of a row of red unidirectional, in-pavement
lights installed on the taxiway along the holding position marking
the entrance to a runway. These initiatives could improve conflict
detection for controllers, reduce the incidence of runway
incursions and reduce the risk of a collision as a result of a
runway incursion.

Overall, the system has the potential to improve the level of
safety for operators at airports and improve controller situational

Sydney Airport Corporation Limited safety

Since this occurrence, SACL has:

  • formulated an updated Letter of Agreement with Airservices on
    the exchange of safety information;
  • nominated single points of contact between SACL and Airservices
    to act as representatives for the distribution of safety related
  • established a Runway Incursion Working Group with participation
    from Airservices, Qantas, Regional Express, Virgin Blue, Jetstar
    and Eastern Australia Airlines (involvement from other parties will
    be sought as required);
  • audited all AIA's in accordance with the AVCH (October 2003,
    s6.4.1, p.46) and acted to ensure any recommendations made, as a
    result of those audits, were implemented;
  • developed and issued updated category 2 testing examinations to
    all ADA issuing authorities which include guidelines for use by
    Approved Issuing Authorities when conducting the written
  • re-issued the category 2 airside driver's pocketbooks with
    advice to drivers to stop and wait for assistance if they become
    lost or disorientated while driving airside; and
  • established an Airside Driving Forum co-facilitated with the
    NSW WorkCover that includes various airside users.

ATSB safety action

As a result of the investigation the Australian Transport Safety
Bureau issues the following recommendations:

Recommendation R20040059

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that Sydney
Airport Corporation Limited review the procedures used to ensure
initial and ongoing driver competency and knowledge.

Recommendation R20040060

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends Sydney Airport
Corporation Limited ensures that Approved Issuing Authorities'
driver training programs at Sydney Airport include a course of
action that drivers can take should they find themselves lost or
disorientated while driving airside.

1 Civil
Aviation Regulation 89 defined the Airport operator as 'in relation
to a licensed aerodrome-the licence holder'.

2 In
accordance with the Airports Act 1996, s172, Airports (Control of
On-Airports Activities) Regulations 1997.

3 Airside
Vehicle Control Handbook, June 2003, p1.

4 Airside
Vehicle Control Handbook, Sydney Airport, June 2003, p.

5 Airside
Vehicle Control Handbook, Sydney Airport, June 2003, p.

6 A
'Runway Strip' is 'a defined area, including the runway (and
stopway if provided), intended both to reduce the risk of damage to
aircraft running off a runway and to protect aircraft flying over
it during take-off, or landing operations. (ICAO) (Manual of Air
Traffic Services effective 15 April 2004, Pt. 10, s.1, p.

7 Drivers
Pocketbook, Category 2, May 2002, p3.

Aircraft Details
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Sydney, NSW
Denpasar, Indonesia