Flight recorder data
Data reviewed following the flight confirmed that approximately 3 minutes after full power application for takeoff, the fuel flow to the right engine dropped to zero, resulting in the subsequent in-flight shutdown of the engine.
Component history
Documentation provided by the operator annotated that the EEC part number 114E6112G119, serial number LHBR0141, had accumulated 426.7 hours time since new, 393 cycles since new, and had been installed on 2 August 2002. The unit had been modified to software version 6.1 (the most recent version).
Electronic engine controller
The EEC was a two-channel (A and B) electronic unit with system redundancy. It controlled, among other items, engine start sequencing, power requirements, operating temperature, turbine speeds, fuel flow, engine monitoring, and automatic relight. It contained fault detection, storage, and readout capabilities, all stored on an electrically erasable/programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) located on a computer board assembly. The EEPROM provided a history for troubleshooting purposes of any fault event within the EEC or associated control systems by logging a fault code of the event. Those fault codes were then stored until intentionally cleared during maintenance action. The distinct two channels in the unit ensured that should one channel fail, the other would assume control and monitoring of the engine. The transfer of control and monitoring of the engine to one EEC would not necessarily signify that other items controlled by the non-controlling channel would not function. The EEC also provided an electrical signal for opening the engine fuel-control metering valve (normally closed) upon engine starting, which was spring loaded to the closed position.
Component testing
The EEC and FMU units were shipped to the respective component manufacturer's facilities for testing under the supervision of the United States of America (USA) National Transportation Safety Board. Representatives from the aircraft, EEC and engine manufacturers were also present for the testing. Testing of the FMU revealed no anomalies.
EEC serial number LHBR0141 testing
During environmental stress screening of the EEC (a high-speed scan of the faults over a temperature cycle alternating from -55 to +74 degrees C), failures of the Channel A EEPROM were recorded when the internal temperature of the EEC was at -2 degrees C or colder. Test procedures used to test new units for acceptance, also revealed faults of the Channel A EEPROM at temperatures below -55 degrees C. However, initial testing of the EEC could not duplicate the dual channel failure (A and B) that would have been required to sustain the reported in-flight shutdown.
The Channel A EEPROM was sent to the manufacturer for detailed examination. Examination indicated that a phenomenon called a 'single bit flip' had occurred within the used memory section area of the input/output microprocessor of the unit. The input/output microprocessor memory was configured with positively charged hexadecimal binary 1s occupying unused memory sections. The 'single bit flip' phenomena was a result of unused sections of the microprocessor memory becoming negatively charged binary zeros, resulting in checksum failures and 'health lane' degradation of the EEC. Checksum failures are the result of discrepancies of the internal self-check program, which sums the values of all memory blocks.
Follow up vibratory testing of the EEC confirmed a failure of Channel B. Further examination indicated fracturing of solder joints at five resistors on the analog interface module circuit board of Channel B.
Other Australian fleet occurrences
On 24 November 2002, while on the downwind leg for landing at Hobart, another crew of the same aircraft reported that the left engine 'spooled down'. The crew reported that they did not see any caution advisories prior to the power decrease. The crew then completed a single engine landing. Following the event, the operator's maintenance personnel conducted troubleshooting of the left engine and noted one fault code related to the EEC (not listed in maintenance documentation) logged on the MCDU memory. The engine was inspected and ground run, both at idle and at a high power setting. The engine started and operated normally. The EEC and FMU were replaced after conferring with the engine manufacturer. Further engine ground runs were completed and the aircraft was deemed to be serviceable.
Documentation provided by the operator recorded that the EEC part number 114E6112G119, serial number LHBR0148, had accumulated 4,686.4 hours and 4,311 cycles since new. The unit had been modified to software version 6.1.
The engine manufacturer advised that a visual inspection of the unit revealed fracturing of the soldier joints of six resistors of Channel A and four resistors of the Channel B analog interface module circuit boards.
Other overseas occurrence
On 30 November 2002, a USA operator's Boeing 717-200 was on climb at FL 280 when it sustained an in-flight shutdown of the right engine. Following the event, EEC part number 114E6112G119, serial number LHBR0093, which had accumulated approximately 6,700 hours time since new was examined. That examination revealed fracturing of the solder joints at five resistors of Channel A and ten resistors of the Channel B analog interface module circuit board.
Solder joint fracturing
The engine manufacturer reported that the anomaly of fracturing or cracking of the resistor solder joints was believed to have resulted from thermal cycle induced stress due to differential thermal expansion between the printed circuit board and the resistor. They further reported that identical resistor packages were utilised on the installation of both channels within the EEC and that the solder joint fracturing anomaly could affect a total of seven resistors per channel of each EEC. Five of these resistors were assessed as being capable of contributing to the top-level failure events analysed in the unit system safety assessment.
Service bulletin history
On 20 December 2002, the engine manufacturer issued Service Bulletin SB-BR700-73-101401. That bulletin referenced compliance with the EEC manufacturer's Service Bulletin SB-BR715/73-009 also released 20 December 2002, which gave instructions for the repair of several specific resistors on the analog interface module circuit board. That repair would attach the resistors to the board and connect them to the original solder pad by 'flying leads'. This would then eliminate any mechanical stress on the resistors. Compliance time of that bulletin was at the next shop visit of the EEC for repair, or as arranged by the EEC manufacturer and was not mandatory.
On 17 January 2003, the engine manufacturer issued Service Bulletin SB-BR700-73-101404. That bulletin referenced compliance with the EEC manufacturer's Service Bulletin SB-BR715/73-010 also released on 17 January 2003, which gave instructions for a software modification of the processor communication's modules (A3, A4) with new input/output software to change the fill pattern of the unused areas of the EEPROM memory from hexadecimal binary 1s to binary 0s, thereby reducing the possibility of checksum failures. Compliance time of that bulletin was at the next shop visit of the EEC for repair, or as arranged by the EEC manufacturer.
On 20 February 2003, the engine manufacturer issued Service Bulletin SB-BR700-73-900316 advising the fleet operators of a numbers of inspections and modifications to improve the reliability rates of the EEC. The bulletin listed a total of ten service bulletins issued by either the engine or EEC manufacturer, which the engine manufacturer recommended be incorporated at the earliest opportunity without affecting flight schedule. Incorporation of these modifications required a return of the component to the engine manufacturer.
None of those service bulletins were mandated through the issuing of an airworthiness directive from either the USA Federal Aviation Administration or the German Airworthiness Authority.