Investigation number
Occurrence date
33 km N Brisbane, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Abnormal engine indications
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

As a result of this occurrence, the Australian Transport Safety
Bureau (formerly BASI) made the following recommendations:

[ R20000004
] - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation) recommends that Rolls Royce Commercial
Aero Engine Limited notify all operators using Rolls Royce
RB211-524D4 or similar engines of the possibility of failure of the
cold stream nozzle during operation.

[ R20000005
] - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation) recommends that the United Kingdom Civil
Aviation Authority notify all operators under their jurisdiction
using Rolls Royce RB211-524D4 or similar engines, of the
possibility of failure of the cold stream nozzle during

[ R20000006
] - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation) recommends that the US Federal Aviation
Administration notify all operators under their jurisdiction using
Rolls Royce RB211-524D4 or similar engines, of the possibility of
failure of the cold stream nozzle during operation.

[ R20000007
] - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation) recommends that Rolls Royce Commercial
Aero Engine Limited review Rolls Royce RB211-524D4 engine cold
stream nozzle inspection criteria to minimise the possibility of
failure during operation.

[ R20000008
] - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation) recommends that the United Kingdom Civil
Aviation Authority review Rolls Royce RB211-524D4 engine cold
stream nozzle inspection criteria to minimise the possibility of
failure during operation.

[ R20000009
] - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation) recommends that the US Federal Aviation
Administration review Rolls Royce RB211-524D4 engine cold stream
nozzle inspection criteria to minimise the possibility of failure
during operation.

[ R20000010
] - The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation) recommends that the Civil Aviation Safety
Authority review Rolls Royce RB211-524D4 engine cold stream nozzle
inspection criteria to minimise the possibility of failure during

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Brisbane, QLD
Departure time
1005 hours EST
Cairns, QLD