Investigation number
Occurrence date
Childers, (ALA)
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Collision with terrain
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

The student pilot was being tested in an RV-6 aircraft,
registered VH-YGH, for the issue of a private pilot's licence.
Witnesses reported that the takeoff and initial climb appeared to
be normal until about 500 ft above ground level when the aircraft's
engine noise appeared to cease. The aircraft was observed to
maintain a wings level attitude for a short distance before
commencing a steep descending turn to the left. The aircraft
contacted the top of several trees, rolled inverted and impacted
the ground. Both occupants sustained serious injuries and the
aircraft was destroyed.

Witnesses reported that the weather at the time was fine,
"slightly cloudy" and with a south-easterly breeze.

The instructor reported that he had called for a simulated
engine failure at about 300 ft above ground level. The student
pilot closed the throttle and altered heading about 40 degrees,
seemingly towards a nearby open field. He then indicated to the
instructor that he was at 500 ft and would return to the runway.
The instructor had previously noted that when the aircraft's
altimeter read 500 ft, because the airfield elevation was 130 ft
AMSL, the actual height above the runway was about 300 ft. As the
instructor was looking back to check the relative position of the
runway, the aircraft's nose and left wing suddenly dropped. The
instructor took the controls and recovered the aircraft to a wings
level attitude, however there was insufficient height remaining to
prevent contact with the trees.

The student pilot was not able to remember any details of the
accident flight beyond the take-off and initial climb.

The reported evidence is consistent with the aircraft stalling
during an attempted turn to land on the reciprocal of the take-off
runway, following a simulated engine failure.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly BASI) did not
conduct an on-site investigation into this accident.

Aircraft Details
Amateur Built Aircraft
Vans RV-6
Serial number
Operation type
Departure point
Childers, QLD
Departure time
1515 hours EST
Caloundra, QLD