Investigation number
Occurrence date
7 km NE Esk
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Collision with terrain
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

The Australian Transport Safety

Bureau issued the following interim recommendation on 16
December 1999:


The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (formerly BASI)
recommends that the Australian Defence Force review Inflight
Emergency Response (IFER) training for air traffic services staff
responsible for the provision of services to civil aircraft."

In response, the Chief of Air Force (CAF) ordered that a full
review of IFER training, procedures and practices within Defence be
undertaken, involving all operational ATC elements, the training
system and ATC rating and check mechanisms.

On 19 May 2000, the CAF advised the ATSB that:

"...the review concluded that Defence IFER management and
training is capable of improvement. Consequently, the following
recommendations have been endorsed:

  1. The School of Air Traffic Control (SATC) is to introduce "Duty
    of Care" guidance to all ATC training, as well as additional IFER
    training scenarios into simulator sequences.
  2. No 41 Wing, with the assistance of SATC, is to develop core ATC
    field training requirements to ensure all controllers are receiving
    comprehensive initial IFER training and appropriate annual
  3. No 41 Wing, is to establish dedicated Senior Training Officer
    (STO) positions within ATC flights.
  4. Pending the resolution of issues associated with establishing
    the extra positions needed across Air Force to handle the Senior
    Training Officer role, No 41 Wing is to ensure that incumbent STOs
    are provided adequate time to establish/maintain quality training
  5. The Manual of Air Traffic Organisation and Administration (AAP
    8132.003) is to be amended to require that all STOs complete the
    RAAF Training Development Officer Course. No 41 Wing is to cycle
    all current STOs through this course.
  6. SATC, in consultation with No 41 Wing, is to develop and
    maintain a standard ATC Flight Training Guide. This Guide is to
    form the basis for individual base training guides, modified as
    necessary by the STO to suit local conditions.
  7. SATC, in consultation with No 41 Wing, is to develop a formal
    Supervisors Course that includes as a minimum, IFER and team/crew
    resource management instruction.
  8. No 41 Wing is to ensure that all operational controllers have
    received adequate instruction on Chapter 11 of the Airservices IFER
    Training Manual, which is being used as an interim guide.
  9. The Air Force Headquarters Deputy Director-Air Traffic Services
    is to ensure that amendment processes for the Manual of Air Traffic
    Services meet Defence requirements.
  10. No 41 Wing is to sponsor the development of an IFER Manual and
    Checklist. The initial recommendation was that the publication
    could be either Defence-only or joint civil/military. Subsequent to
    Defence approaching Airservices, agreement has been reached to
    develop a joint manual that will also include military-specific

The CAF also advised that:

"The recommendations have either been implemented or are in the
process of being actioned, given that some tasks lend themselves to
early completion while others, such as the Manual, require longer
lead times. Notwithstanding, I have directed that all actions are
to be completed by 30 June 2000 with formal notification to this

Recommendation Status

Accepted/Closed (pending advice of completion of actions post 30
June 2000

Aircraft Details
Cessna Aircraft Company
Serial number
Operation type
Departure point
Lightning Ridge, NSW
Departure time
0845 hours EST
Caloundra, QLD