While VH-JJT was backtracking on runway 13 at Gove after
conducting an instrument approach, VH-NJN became visual on final
approach, also for runway 13. The airport safety officer reported
that NJN continued the approach until very late final before
executing a missed approach.
The crews of both aircraft were in radio contact with each other
on the Gove MBZ frequency. After landing, the crew of JJT advised
the crew of NJN that JJT was backtracking on runway 13 and would
shortly be clear of the runway. The pilot in command of NJN elected
to continue the approach, anticipating that JJT would clear the
runway in sufficient time to permit NJN to land. When it became
apparent that JJT would not be clear of the runway, the pilot in
command of NJN discontinued the approach.
Examination of the Flight Recorder data from NJN revealed that
the vertical separation between the aircraft during the missed
approach was not less than 300 ft.