Investigation number
Occurrence date
Canning Vale
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Forced/precautionary landing
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

The student pilot was flying the Beechcraft Bonanza on a solo
navigation exercise from Jandakot to Narrogin and Merredin before
returning to Jandakot via Perth. The aircraft departed at about
1300 WST and was due to land at Jandakot about 2 hours later. The
pilot reported that during the approach to Jandakot, he levelled
the aircraft at 1,000 ft and set power to maintain the altitude. He
then completed the pre-landing checks and lowered the flaps to slow
the aircraft. Soon after lowering the flaps, he noted that the
engine rpm was rapidly dropping. He reported that he opened the
throttle and conducted the appropriate checks but the engine did
not respond. The pilot transmitted a Mayday and decided to attempt
a forced landing in an open patch of ground in the Canning Vale
area. He then turned off the aircraft's fuel and electrical

Avoiding parked trucks and buildings, the pilot landed the
aircraft in a parking area of the Caning Vale Markets. The aircraft
slid 15 m before hitting an unoccupied temporary building and
coming to rest. The building was destroyed, the aircraft was
substantially damaged and the pilot received minor injuries.

The post-accident inspection of the aircraft revealed that there
was a substantial amount of fuel in both wing tanks but no fuel
could be found in lines beyond the fuel selector valve. No fault
was found with the aircraft's fuel system or engine.

Evidence was consistent with the engine sustaining fuel
starvation and losing power but the investigation could not
determine the reason for the fuel starvation.

Aircraft Details
Beech Aircraft Corp
Serial number
Operation type
Flying Training
Departure point
Jandakot, WA
Departure time
1255 hours WST
Jandakot, WA