Investigation number
Occurrence date
9 km WNW Norfolk Island, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

Local safety action

As a result of this investigation, the following safety actions
were initiated by the operator:

  1. The operator advised that action would be taken to ensure a
    uniform standard of crew resource management across the
  2. The pilot in command was provided with additional training to
    address deficiencies in his knowledge of night visual

BASI safety action

As a result of investigations into a number of previous
occurrences involving crew resource management issues, the Bureau
issued interim recommendation IR950101 on 17 July 1995 to the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority.


The Bureau of Air Safety Investigation recommends that the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) require operators involved in
multi-crew air transport operations to ensure that pilots have
received effective training in crew resource management (CRM)
principles. To this end, the CASA should publish a timetable for
the phased introduction of CRM training to ensure that:

  1. CRM principles are made an integral part of the operator's
    recurrent check and training program and where practicable, such
    training should be integrated with simulator LOFT exercises;
  2. the CASA provides operators and/or CRM course providers with an
    approved course syllabus based on international best practice;
  3. such training integrates cabin crew into appropriate aspects of
    the program; and
  4. the effectiveness of each course is assessed to the
    satisfaction of the CASA".

The following response was received from the Civil Aviation
Safety Authority on 8 September 1995:

"I refer to your Interim Recommendation No IR950101
concerning the B747-312 accident at Sydney on 19 October 1994.

CASA fully endorses the principles of and accepts the benefits
flowing from CRM and similar training as well as strongly
encouraging such training for flight crew, cabin crew and other
operating crew. However, CASA is not fully convinced that mandating
CRM or similar training, particularly for high and low capacity RPT
operations, will necessarily prevent or reduce the incidence of
such accidents in the future.

Nonetheless, CASA is willing to further investigate CRM training
including the position taken by leading overseas regulatory
authorities in this regard, particularly in relation to high and
low capacity RPT operations. To this end, CASA intends to consider
the issue as part of a major project to commence in the latter part
of 1995. This project is to review all aspects of RPT operations
conducted under CAR 217 in relation to Training and Checking
organisations and is the first major review of such operations to
be carried out for some time.

CASA undertakes to advise BASI of the outcome of that review in
relation to CRM and similar training".



The following response was received from the Civil Aviation
Safety Authority on 26 February 1997, and stated in part:

"I refer to BASI Interim Recommendation IR950101 and
the Civil Aviation Safety Authority responses of September 1995 and
January 1996.

My purpose in writing is to provide you with a formal update on
the CASA position on this recommendation. I understand that the
CASA General Manager Flying Operations informally conveyed this
position to Director BASI earlier this year and sought from him
copies of up to date material on crew resource management (CRM)
training acquired by BASI at a recent Orient Airlines Association
seminar. The CASA position for publication is shown in the quotes

"After further review along the lines indicated in our
response of 8 September 1995, CASA agrees that regulations should
be introduced requiring operators engaged in multi-crew air
transport operations to have effective crew resource management
training programs.

This is one of the tasks being actioned by the Air Transport
Technical Committee of CASA's Regulatory Framework Program. The
crew training project team working under that committee, which
includes representatives from industry, is also considering
introduction of other best practice initiatives such as the
Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) introduced by the FAA and the
New Zealand CAA. Introduction of any new legislation on these
matters is of course subject to requirements for appropriate
consultation with industry. The RFP has a timetable to complete and
publish a new set of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASRs) and
associated advisory material by the end of 1998. However, where
possible new CASRs will be introduced progressively before that


"I would also like to take this opportunity to invite
BASI to provide a human factors qualified observer/adviser to
assist the project team developing the CRM/AQP regulations and
advisory material."

Response classification: CLOSED - ACCEPTED

CASA has since issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPRM9809RP) on regulations relating to passenger and crew-member
safety. Whilst all aircraft operators and crew members will be
affected to some degree by the NPRM, the principal thrust of the
proposed changes is to "upgrade safety with respect to the carriage
of fare-paying passengers in aircraft requiring the carriage of
cabin crew". This implies that the NPRM is largely directed toward
multi-crew operations in passenger-carrying aircraft. Section
121.YY of the NPRM refers to crew-member emergency procedures
training. Each operator will be required to conduct initial and
ongoing CRM training for each crew-member position required for a
particular aircraft type.

On 16 September 1999 the Bureau received the following advice
from CASA regarding CRM training and the date of introduction of
CASR Part 121A:

"It is not anticipated that new Part 121A will be
effective before 1 January 2002. However, CASA is aware of the
importance of CRM training for crew members and will be issuing a
policy that will require operators to conduct such training. This
policy will be issued in advance of the introduction of the new
regulations and is expected to be in place by 1 July

The Bureau is currently monitoring implementation of

Aircraft Details
British Aerospace PLC
AVRO 146
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Sydney, NSW
Norfolk Island