Investigation number
Occurrence date
37 km ESE TAMOD, (IFR)
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Breakdown of co-ordination
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

As a result of this and other incidents, the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation (BASI) examined issues associated with Airservices Australia's operation of teams in air traffic services. This examination resulted in BASI issuing the following Safety Advisory Notice to Airservices Australia on 27 January 1998:

Safety Advisory Notice SAN 970137

Airservices Australia should note the safety deficiencies detailed in this document and take appropriate action.

The safety deficiencies referred to in this document were:

  1. an undesirably low level of operational support provided by experienced controllers, including team leaders and other full performance controllers, to controllers working in operational positions.
  2. an inappropriately low level of emphasis on team development activities, such as the provision of team leader training and support, and the regular provision of team days with structured learning content for team members.
  3. performance evaluation systems for team leaders that do not ensure relevant team leader performance areas are measured, and also do not ensure that any degradation in a team leader's proficiency on operational positions will be detected.
  4. an inappropriately low level of training and development for many controllers on human factors issues, particularly those associated with inter-controller coordination and communication.

Following receipt of this safety action notice, Airservices Australia instigated an independent review of operational supervision issues in their air traffic services' activities. This review was completed on 15 October 1998. In addition, an introductory training package for team resource management has been developed and a pilot course has been conducted.

As a result of this and other occurrences, BASI is also investigating perceived safety deficiencies associated with the design of air traffic controller shift schedules, and the allocation of a controller's tasks within a shift. Any recommendation arising from these investigations will be published in BASI's Quarterly Safety Deficiency Report.

Local Safety Action

Local safety action proposed by Melbourne Enroute as a result of this and other incidents includes the production of a local instruction defining the procedures and responsibilities involved in handover/takeover situations. This procedure is currently being trialled in the Bight Group. A specific procedure has also been developed for the ADS0s outlining the steps required to process departure messages, and the required order of these steps.

Melbourne Enroute and Perth Area are currently assessing the suitability of Perth taking over responsibility for that part of Melbourne Sector 1 that is covered by Perth radar. This approach is consistent with BASI Interim Recommendation 970112 to Airservices Australia for radar to be used for air traffic control where radar coverage is available.

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Melbourne, VIC
Departure time
0627 hours EST
Perth, WA
Aircraft Details
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Perth, WA
Departure time
0929 hours EST
Melbourne, VIC