Investigation number
Occurrence date
2 km NW Tocumwal
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Airborne collision
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

As a result of the investigation into this occurrence, the
Bureau of Air Safety Investigation made the following
recommendation to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority in
conjunction with the Gliding Federation of Australia on 13 August


The Bureau of Air Safety Investigation recommends that the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority in conjunction with the Gliding
Federation of Australia;

  1. establish a protected circuit area around airfields that have
    considerable gliding activity;
  2. establish a procedure that all inbound aircraft be required to
    make an all-stations radio call advising their intention to enter
    the protected circuit area mentioned above;
  3. apply a speed restriction of 80 kts indicated airspeed to
    gliders operating in this protected circuit area at all times other
    than during official competition events (aircraft other than
    gliders should operate at minimum safe speed within the area);
  4. investigate the benefit of the application of high-visibility
    markings for all Australian registered gliders.

Gliding Federation of Australia response

An initial response was received from the Gliding Federation of
Australia (GFA) on 12 September 1997, rejecting all but the last
recommendation. A further response was received from the GFA on 9
October 1997. The response stated in part:


  1. The GFA recognizes that the rate of mid-air collisions
    involving gliders is unacceptably high in the circuit areas of
    aerodromes and will implement measures to improve discipline in
    flying the pattern and making better use of the radio.
  2. The GFA is unwilling to accept the imposition of mandatory
    radio for gliders in an area where it is optional for all other
  3. Although it is, on the face of it, difficult to argue with the
    recommendation for a speed limit for gliders, there are
    considerable numbers of fast homebuilt aircraft such as the Long
    Eze which have a frontal area not much different from that of a
    glider and are thus just as difficult to see. In fact, because of
    their shorter wingspan, they have even less frontal area in some
    cases. Given that the Tocumwal accident occurred above the circuit
    area and there are no other accidents on record where high glider
    speed in the circuit was shown to be a factor, there is no
    justification for the recommendation.

    In spite of the above comment, GFA will closely examine the
    feasibility of requiring in future that any "abnormal" circuit
    entry, be it a high-speed entry or an inadvertent entry from an
    unusual position, be preceded by an "all stations" call from a
    radio-equipped glider, warning other traffic of the glider's
    position and intentions. In the case of a non-radio glider, a high
    speed circuit entry will not be permitted (except at a NOTAMed
    contest) and pilots "caught out" by conditions and entering from
    unusual positions must fly so as to avoid other traffic in
    accordance with the CARs.
  4. A shift in emphasis is needed in cross-country training, from
    the euphoria of completing the task to a positive concentration on
    the complex circuit-joining task ahead and its consequent need for
    a full lookout scan and any radio calls that may be appropriate.
    For all joining traffic, whether from cross-countries or not, the
    concept of a "wake-up call" when about to enter the circuit area
    must be developed and we are working on that.
  5. A strategy needs to be devised to cope with the increasing
    complexity of cockpit instrument systems, especially when entering
    known busy traffic areas.
  6. BASI has identified the phenomenon of "skill fatigue", one of
    the symptoms of which is fixed vision and a failure to scan the
    sky. Given that the complex nature of many gliding tasks makes
    skill fatigue a likely factor in our sport, there will be an
    education campaign warning of the need to "keep something in
    reserve" for the complex task of joining a known busy part of the
    sky after the relatively low-risk enroute task which has just been

    I trust this explains and summarises the GFA position on this

Response classification: CLOSED - PARTIALLY ACCEPTED

GFA/BASI Meeting

Subsequently a meeting between BASI and the Director of
Operations of the GFA was held on 13 January 1998. The following is
a summary of the outcomes of that meeting:

  1. The proposal for a protected area around aerodromes with
    significant gliding activity was not supported. Instead it was
    agreed that the size of the CTAFs at these locations be reduced
    from a non-standard 15 NM radius to the standard 5 NM radius.
  2. It was agreed that the GFA recommend a circuit entry broadcast
    become a standard operational procedure for all radio-equipped
    gliders that, due to variation in conditions or unforeseen
    circumstances, can not enter or comply with the standard traffic
    pattern for that location. The GFA publication "Airways and Radio
    Procedures for Glider Pilots" to be amended accordingly. It was
    also agreed that a procedure would be developed for non
    radio-equipped gliders to follow in similar circumstances.
  3. The recommendation for an 80 kt speed restriction to gliders
    operating in the circuit area was rejected. An alternative course
    of action to address this issue, as suggested by CASA, was the
    avoidance of abrupt vertical manoeuvres in the circuit area. It was
    proposed that BASI discuss with CASA the incorporation of the
    avoidance of abrupt vertical manoeuvres in the circuit area, into
    the relevant section of the Aeronautical Information
  4. The GFA expressed a willingness to participate in any
    additional study to investigate the benefit of high-visibility
    markings on gliders. BASI will encourages the GFA and others to
    continue research on this subject.

Civil Aviation Safety Authority response

A response was received from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority
(CASA) on 19 September 1997. This response disagreed with some of
the recommendations and instead suggested some alternatives.

Following the GFA/BASI meeting, a copy of the letter to the GFA,
summarising the agreements reached at that meeting, was sent to

The following response was received from CASA on 6 April

"Thank you for your letter of 3 February 1998 with the
results of a meeting between BASI and the GFA at which the BASI
report on the Tocumwal and Horsham glider mid air collisions were

CASA concurs with the recommendations resulting from this
meeting and will instigate action to implement the reduction in the
size of the Tocumwal and Benalla CTAFs".

Response classification: CLOSED - ACCEPTED


As a result of this occurrence, Sportavia Soaring Centre of
Tocumwal, wrote to BASI on 27 August 1997, advising:

"Having read your Air Safety Recommendation on No
R970092, we are in full agreeance with the report and also fully
agree with the recommendations put forward.

It is our intention to implement immediately the recommendations
outlined in the report: They are:

  1. A mandatory 15nm inbound radio transmission by all
  2. A 3nm inbound transmission by all gliders entering the circuit
  3. A radio call on executing the circuit entry.
  4. 80 knots indicated airspeed maximum for all gliders inside the
    circuit area, except during official competitions.
  5. The circuit is defined as below 2000 AGL and 3nm radius.

We believe these actions will reduce the possibility of a repeat
accident of this nature. Trusting that this is to your

Aircraft Details
Let National Corporation
Serial number
Operation type
Departure point
Tocumwal, NSW
Departure time
1728 hours ESuT
Tocumwal, NSW
Aircraft Details
Alexander Schleicher Segelflugzeugbau
Serial number
Operation type
Departure point
Tocumwal, NSW
Departure time
1117 hours ESuT
Tocumwal, NSW