REPCON number
Date reported
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Affected operation/industry
Concern subject type
Reporter's deidentified concern

A driver has raised a safety concern regarding the poor condition of the [section] railway track that forms part of [infrastructure manager's] rail network. The reporter states that at the time of reporting, there are currently 78 speed restrictions between [Location 1] and [Location 2] on the network, which is evidence of the inadequate maintenance being conducted.

The reporter is particularly concerned about the section of track from [Location 3] to [Location 2] advising that they feel unsafe driving through that section due to multiple mud holes. The reporter advises that temporary or interim measures being utilised on the mud holes are not improving the drivability of that section of track. The reporter further states that track geometry is also a cause of concern. The reporter provided the 110 km peg on both the up and down [sections] as an example.

The sheer volume of speed restrictions is well beyond that seen across other networks and is a constant distraction to drivers, and the reporter believes it is only a matter of time before a speed restriction is misinterpreted or missed altogether.

The reporter believes that the speed restrictions are not an adequate risk control to prevent a derailment and a permanent maintenance fix is required.

Named party's response

1. [Rail infrastructure manager (RIM)] has invested significant funding to improve the rail network in [section].

2. [RIM] workers categorise infrastructure defect condition based on criteria provided in [RIM standards document] that determines the safe speed restriction based on the defect condition level. Temporary Speed Restrictions (TSR) are used to limit train speeds to maintain a safe service on the [RIM's] rail network. TSR’s are imposed until [RIM] can plan and deliver repairs and maintenance to the affected areas of infrastructure whilst still maintaining a safe service.

3. In early September 2022 [RIM] completed a significant number of infrastructure upgrades and repairs south of [Location] which resulted in the following:

  • replacement of 23 kilometres of rail
  • 218 kilometres of rail grinding
  • vegetation control works over 300 kilometres of track
  • 40 Temporary Speed Restrictions (TSR’s) removed from the [RIM] network which resulted in a total time loss improvement of around 35 minutes for normal train services.

4. [RIM] has long-term infrastructure investment plans to further improve the rail network. The current project will enable improved train running times such as passenger trains to overtake freight trains, reducing delays and congestion.

5. To the geographical environment and the nature of train services that operate over the track section identified, [RIM] needs to consult with numerous stakeholders to plan major and minor repairs to infrastructure in a safe and cost-efficient manner which can include major shutdowns.

6. [RIM] has also established a joint working group with [Rolling stock operator] seeking to identify further opportunities for time on track windows and to agree on further targeted improvements including vegetation management and further rail replacement.

Additional Information

Recent unseasonal weather conditions have provided [RIM] with challenges in maintaining train services for the line, including growth in the following sectors:

1. Track geometry conditions (mud holes - creation and increase in current size and condition), and increased vegetation management issues

2. Closure of [lines] due to land slide has caused additional traffic on the line.

Regulator's response

ONRSR has reviewed the reporter’s concerns and operator’s response. ONRSR recently received reports of similar concerns and a track specialist undertook a cab ride to evaluate concerns raised with the track. ONRSR will conduct a regulatory activity at the operator’s provisioning centre responsible for the section of track referred to in the report to review track infrastructure maintenance records.