On behalf of the ATSB’s Commission and staff, we welcome the appointment of Julie Bullas as our new Rail Commissioner, with effect from 9 October 2023 for a three year term.
Ms Bullas brings to the ATSB Commission an impressive industry pedigree, most recently serving for 10 years as Executive Director, Policy, Reform and Stakeholder Engagement at the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR), and before which she was project director for the National Rail Safety Regulator Project.
Prior to working with the national rail regulator, Ms Bullas was the road/rail interface specialist for Queensland Rail, and the Director of Rail Safety for Queensland Transport.
We look forward to onboarding Ms Bullas over the coming days.
The Commission also acknowledges and thanks Catherine Scott for her service on the ATSB Commission for the past three years.
During that time Ms Scott contributed her considerable industry expertise and knowledge to review and help shape a number of significant ATSB rail investigations, and helped the ATSB set and maintain its strategic direction during a time of significant uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ATSB is in a stronger position for her guidance.