The ATSB is investigating three misaligned take-off incidents at Perth Airport, Western Australia.
On 12 June 2023, in preparation for the take-off roll on runway 06, the flight crew of a Boeing 737-800 inadvertently lined the aircraft up with the runway edge lights instead of the centreline. During the initial take-off roll, the crew detected the error and manoeuvred the aircraft to the centreline. The flight continued without further incident.
On 10 August 2023, the ATSB was advised of a misaligned take-off that occurred involving a Cessna Conquest 441 at Perth Airport. During the take-off on runway 06, the aircraft was inadvertently lined up on the runway edge, resulting in damage to the runway lighting.
On 4 April 2024, the ATSB was advised of a misaligned take-off that occurred involving a Cessna Conquest 441 at Perth Airport. During the take-off on runway 06, the aircraft was inadvertently lined up on the runway edge, resulting in damage to the runway lighting.
The final report has been drafted and is undergoing internal review to ensure the report adequately and accurately reflects the evidence collected, analysis, and agreed findings.
The final report will be published at the conclusion of the investigation. Should a critical safety issue be identified at any time during the investigation, the ATSB will immediately notify operators and regulators so appropriate and timely safety action can be taken.