As the accountable authority for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), I am pleased to present the ATSB’s 2019–20 Corporate Plan which covers the period 2019–20 to 2022–23.
This Corporate Plan sets out the ATSB’s purpose – to improve transport safety in Australia – and strategies for achieving that purpose. The Corporate Plan also sets out the ATSB’s key deliverables and associated performance criteria. It has been prepared consistent with paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and the relevant provisions of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the TSI Act), which establishes the ATSB. The Corporate Plan is also consistent with the Minister’s revised Statement of Expectations 2019–21 (SOE) for the ATSB, as notified under Section 12AE of the TSI Act.
The SOE sets out clear expectations which, in my capacity as Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer, I am committed to meeting in 2019–20 and beyond.
In accordance with the SOE, the ATSB will prioritise transport safety investigations that have the potential to deliver the greatest public benefit through improvements to transport safety. Considering the ‘public benefit’, the ATSB will continue to prioritise the safety of the travelling public, but it will also prioritise safety improvements that prevent accidents resulting in significant local, state and national economic costs. An accident that shuts down an airport, marine port or a railway line leads to delays and costs impacting the operators of the facility, transport vehicles and consumers. Deaths and injuries also have significant socio-economic costs that we must take account of when considering the value of a safety investigation that can stop future accidents.
The ATSB recognises the responsibility it has as a world leader in transport safety investigation, research, data analysis, and influencing safety action. I will continue to focus on ensuring the agency is resourced appropriately to operate in a rapidly changing transport environment. As technology, data and workforce practices change, the ATSB will continue to lead the way.
As a leader, the ATSB works with a range of stakeholders in transport including policy agencies, regulators and transport industry organisations to influence safety action. We remain independent while looking for opportunities to cooperate where there is a shared interest in improving transport safety.
In 2019, I will release the ATSB’s Vision 2025 statement which establishes a roadmap for the ATSB into the future. Our vision will be to ‘stop transport accidents’ while our mission will be to ‘drive safety action in a rapidly changing transport environment.’ Our planning documentation will be updated to implement the ATSB’s aspirational vision for safe transport.
Greg Hood
Chief Commissioner
30 August 2019